
"A Testimonial from Dr. Ornish's Alzheimer's Progression Reversal Study" I heard about this when people were talking about this study when it was first starting and excited that it was beginning. Now some of participants are sharing their results. Link 



The common virus that can wipe away your memories | 60 Minutes Australia

Years ago I read a news article about a man who got confused on his way home and flipped his truck. When he got to ER a visiting doctor was in the ER who recognized the man symptoms and had him check for  form of herpes 1 and it had affected his brain, he treated him and the confusion went away he was back to his normal self. This man's symptoms wasn't as drastic as the people featured in the 60 minutes video clip but they have the same thing but much more severe. I wish they had access to that doctor. I can't find that story online anymore. This is something to keep in mind, this virus doesn't destroy the brain like Alzheimer’s does. The man who flipped his truck had no outward manifestations of herpes 1 i don't think the folks featured in this news clip do either. He wasn't giving it to his wife etc. So basically it was something going as a undercurrent that was undermining his cognitive function.

I think with all the encouragement to eat dark chocolate, nuts, and whole grains for their health benefits by several doctors doing nutritional advice in their books. It's  important to keep levels of arginine and lysine in mind. Nuts, whole grains and dark chocolate are high in arginine. The solution isn't to never eat whole grains, nuts etc. The answer is making sure enough lysine rich foods are eaten. Because you do want to support a low undercurrent of chickenpox related virus doing brain degeneration of impairing cognitive function with a diet high in arginine. 

I'm was curious to know if any scientist have tried pure L-Lysine in a IV drip or with a form thats pure L-Lysine powder in capsules for any Alzheimer's or patients that have other forms of dementia.  I think a research study should be done on this as a possible treatment. Along with making sure the participants eat lots triple washed greens cooked & raw in salads. A study like this would give some very good results, it's  a strong possiblity.

The kind of study that uses pure L-Lysine not the Lysine vasopressin used in the 1982 research study that use Lysine-vassopressin from a pig. [What is that? "Lysine vasopressin, is the antidiuretic hormone of the pig family, differs from the human form by a substitution of lysine for arginine in the 8 position of the peptide ..."]

A study using pure L-Lysine is the kind I'm suggesting be researched or search for to see what kind of human scientific studies have been done already with pure L-Lysine. 

My curiosity lead me to do a online research to see what came up. I found this: "Lysine and HSV-1Some studies suggest that diets high in lysine and low in arginine may be associated with lower rates of AD." I think it was generated by AI's summary of available internet data.  Link to the  search Results 

For those interested taking pure L-Lysine as a supplement Nature's Life has good quality capsules and bulk powder form for a reasonable price. If you're taking the normal doses  recommended it's  mostly recommended to take without food.

Make sure to include  lots of greens raw & cooked with your meals, it helps your body's immune system & your skin, sweet potatoes  helps the skin also. Greens are something we should all be eating whether we take) -Lysine or not.   Large doses of L-Lysine are not required nor are they recommended. 

The herpes virus is related to the chickenpox virus which lays dormant along the spine in the central nervous system. It could happen to anyone especially when the immune system defenses gets too low. Link *Please do your own research and develop your own opinions on the topic. I'm  sharing my opinion on the topic & hopefully it will  inspire others to think about topic as well and research the topic also.


Could Alzheimer's Be Triggered By A Herpes Virus? 35 seconds short news report clip Link 


Mount Sinai Researchers Find High Levels of Herpesviruses in Alzheimer’s...

Herpes virus 6A and Herpes 7 virus can cause acute encephalitis and it can also cause slow forms of brain degeneration ... link to Mount Sinai video clip


Study shows chicken pox and herpes may trigger Alzheimer's Link


NEXT TOPIC  =========

Study finds vitamins vital in Alzheimers fight

Brain scan shows people who took vitamin B had less brain shrinkage ... In this report they mentioned the people taking "large" amounts of vitamin B had less brain shrinkage. I just want top add that large to some doctors is any amount over 2.4mcg. There was a doctor going over this few years ago during the alert about men taking mega doses of b12, and he said we don't need more than 2.4 mcg. It's something to keep in mind while watching this news report. A normal dose based on a bottle of vitamin "B complex 50" the instructions say to take one capsule a day. By the way the Pantothenic acid does not the same as taking the mineral calcium when you research why it's called pantothenic acid as calcium d-pantothenic acid some vitamin experts say it's misunderstood and doesn't contain calcium. Others say it contains calcium and it's used because it has  longer shelf life than sodium pantothenic acid or the other one.

I currently do not sell supplements or get paid to advertise them. With that said, the brand KAL & Bluebonnet has B 50 Complex in a bottle with a paper seal. Kal has B complex  tablets for $9 or $10 and Bluebonnet has capsules for $10 to $15. Also "doctor's best" makes a good quality b complex and packages their vitamins in containers without a aluminum seal. They do add vitamin C to their B complex, I wish they made a B complex without vitamin C but they don't right now, but at least they don't use a aluminum seal for the vitamins they do sell. For those who want to lessen their exposure to aluminum.

You can also let your favorite brand's manufacturers know you want products packaged without aluminum as a option. Hopefully we will start seeing packaged without aluminum on labels soon.

  I think it's very odd that a popular vegan brand like Oatly would packaged their cream cheese with a aluminum seal knowing acid is part of their ingredients, they put lemon juice in it. Acidic things are not supposed to be stored in aluminum. The vitamin C and the acid makes the aluminum more bioavailable to the body. Kite Hill vegan cream cheese does not use aluminum to seal their packaging i hope they don't start using aluminum for their cream cheese, but they do use a aluminum seal for their yoghurt. There's many health researchers and scientist  that state it's  best to avoid aluminum as much as possible. Back to the brand doctors best,  they don't seal their vitamin bottles with aluminum. I did however get a response email from the Nature's life supplement company I emailed to find our if they used aluminum or paper seals, they said they use paper and aluminum until the switch over to paper completely you'll  still get some bottles with aluminum seals. The Nature's life response also said, you should know aluminum is used in the preparation of supplements before they are packaged not only by us but it's industry standard. I didn't know this, and I have not inquired to other companies to find out if their process or their manufacturer's preparation process is done in aluminum. It's something good to know if companies are cooking, mixing and blending supplements, beverages and food in aluminum before it's ever packaged that's  important information to have. And encourage companies to not process their supplementas in aluminum and check to find out if by chance theres any companies that don't process their supplements in aluminum and then you shop with companies that don't use aluminum. 

View window below 

                    Does aluminum exposure hurt cognitive function? a comparative cross-sectional study "Aluminum-exposed subjects had over six times more risk of cognitive impairment than unexposed subjects." Link I read another article that minimized aluminum exposure through food, beverages and our environment. The article said there's no risk to health problems because the aluminum comes out of the body in human waste. If aluminum comes out in human waste, why did scientist find lots of aluminum in the brains of seniors that were studied after their death with family consent? So the people who want to decrease or eliminate their exposure to aluminum should be taken seriously & their choices respected 

Should We Not Mix Bananas In Smoothies With Berries? Mic The Vegan Gives A Good Reminder That Technically Bananas Are Berries, Some Of Us Have Heard This Before It's Good To Keep In Mind

"A new study suggest that an enzyme in bananas called polyphenol oxidase—the enzyme that turns bananas brown—can destroy a class of nutrients found in foods like berries when the two are mixed." Dr. Greger will being a Q & Anon the topic November/ 17/2023 at 3 PM ET on YouTube.

What about people who have bad reactions to tarts fruits and mix them with bananas to help make sour berries less sour?

“If you’re generally healthy and consuming a well-balanced diet with a variety of fruits and vegetables throughout the day and occasionally consuming these mixed fruit smoothies, I would not be concerned about the potential impact of polyphenol oxidase on the flavanol absorption,” Passerrello said. LINK

"Don't Add Bananas to Your Berry Smoothie" Response They didn't even use real berries for the study?

They used berry extract and components in black tea. This study doesn't really show proof that its unhealthy to add bananas and berries in a smoothie. More studies certainly need to be done to see if the results are the same using fresh berries & bananas. Link

Dean Ornish, MD - Can Lifestyle Factors Reverse Alzheimer's Disease? Dr. Ornish believes Theresa strong possibility of reversing & prevent Alzheimer’s disease & Dementia with a plant base low fat, low sugar diet with moderate exercise. In the video below he talks about his study and future studies 

View window below 

    Some of the world’s lowest dementia rates are found in Amazonian Indigenous groups. Some of them are known as the Tarahumra they called themselves the Raramuri meaning someone who runs fast. Link

They also are said to have health hearts. Along with the foods they eat some of them also walk around barefoot, I've read walking around barefoot is helpful to heart function, I wonder if barefoot has a good effect on the brain as well, interesting stuff. link

================== ============

Iron supplements 

Iron is important for all ages, many people try to get their Iron from food and add in vitamin c rich food with iron rich food to increase absorption. There are some nutritionist who say when you take iron with calcium it will bind with iron and block absorption.

Iron is important for many bodily functions but too supplements are often to high in their mg amount, some are 300mg some are 18 mg and up. For folks 50 years and up they only need 8 mg a day. For folks who want a iron supplement that is non heme iron and has a lower mg amount. I found two that are lower with no animal ingredients.  Mary Ruth's liquid iron has a serving amount for 50+ that is 6mg and if you only want 3 mg and get the rest from food you can take half the serving. Kirkland has a iron supplement capsule that is 5mg per serving, you can take  half the capsule for a less mg amount. It has ferrous bisglycinate chelate.

   Too much iron can cause serious health problems, including tireness, strokes, colon cancer, hair lost, heart problems and more. Some people donate blood to prevent iron overload.

Iron is the leading cause of fatal poisoning in children. Please research it well, talk to your health care practioner they can help you find out if you're iron deficient so you make the best decision for your body. Some of the folks who may need iron supplements are athletes, pregnant  mothers, vegetarians and vegans. That's a short list. If you think you need iron it's important to check with your health care provider to be safe.

Link Sutter Health Iron supplements 

Link Dr. Klaper find out why iron is low


Mushroom? Not For Everyone

In my opinion mushrooms might not be the best choice for everyone in terms of cognitive health in the long run. "Some foods, such as tea leaves, mushrooms, spinach and radishes, are also more likely to absorb and accumulate aluminum than other foods." Healthiness article quote to sum up the article they basically said aluminum in food is safe. Everyone doesn't agree. Make the best choice for you and please take it seriously that it isn't believed to be safe by everyone and they don't want to eat it and some people have serious reactions to it. If you want to read the article here's a link

 Mushrooms are good for the brain. It turns out that all varieties are good for the brain and fresh and dried mushrooms are equally as great. This is good because fermented dried mushrooms can be ground and mixed with many things when there's no fresh ones or just take a little fermented powder in a capsule, and or course we can store dried ones for much longer than fresh and make sure to alway have them available in our homes, some folks say the dried ones would always be cooked.  They are also good for over all health and boosting immunity. 

What 2 Servings Of Mushrooms A Week Does To The Brain!"  YouTube  link 

Where Does the Arsenic in Rice, Mushrooms, and Wine Come From?" Poultry manure contains arsenic and this manure is commonly used as starter for growing some mushrooms. Some mushroom growers inoculate organic rye to start their mushrooms or other organic plant materials. This something to keep in mind and ask your mushroom suppliers/growers about. YouTube link 

Some studies suggest that Aminothioneine is more nueroprotective than Ergothioneine. Link

"Emerging evidence has suggested that mushrooms, which are a rich source of the potent antioxidants ergothioneine and glutathione as well as vitamin D, may have neuroprotective properties ..." link

    Some sellers of mushroom supplements say you can only get benefits by cooking mushrooms or using a mushroom extract. Dr. Greger has said mushroom powder works as well as cooking them. 


Carob Is Good For The Brain Plus More

Carob is good for the brain, some research studies have shown carob to be helpful to short term memory. Research showed students who ate carob scored higher on test than those who did not eat carob. Carob is similar to chocolate in terms of how it looks when made into powder or chips but it doesn't taste the same as chocolate, it has it's own flavor. Also carob doesn't contain the fat, caffeine or the toxic metals cadmium and lead that chocolate has. Carob prevents dna damage to the colon, lowers cholesterol and is helpful for a lot more things,  basically it's good for our overall health. Organic Carob powder can be added to smoothies, made into hot or cold drinks and used in many additional ways, it's a good food item to include. Carob whole bean pods are said to be a great snack, but not as easy to get these days. Carob use to be more available especially in health food stores but in recent years chocolate took over. When I first was introduced to health food co-ops the carob out numbered the chocolate. Carob has many antioxidants and is less expensive than chocolate also. Shall we bring back the umsweetened carob chips and whole carob pod in abundance and improve our health again? It will be great if food manufacturers  who make unsweetened carob chips make some that are oil free and if they do use oil it won't be palm, coconut oil, cocoa butter or any oils high in saturated fat and are hard when they're cold. So that carob lovers will have more healthy choices and have to only use carob powder to avoid the added fat and sugar.


Protecting The Brain And Memory With Diet in the documentary Forks Over Knives not only deals with the impact Whole Food Plant-Based Nutrition on the whole body including the brain. There's sections with Dr. Esselstyn giving details on the differences in brain scans and what it means, he shows good results without taking L-lysine supplements he's had success with patients with changing the food choices in our daily diet. Highly recommend. Link to watch the film for free on the forks over knives . com website. Link


  Lysine Has Been Shown To Protect The Brain L-lysine is a basic amino acid that has been shown to exert neuroprotective effect Link    ( some of the plant foods high in lysine are apples, beans, plus many more plant foods are rich in lysine also. Lentils are nutritous they cook quickly, they're easy to prepare and they're are high in lysine, that's just to name a few plants that).

"N-iminoethyl-L-lysine improves memory and reduces amyloid pathology in a transgenic mouse model of amyloid deposition" link

L-lysine Supplements: when taking L-lysine supplements for some of the medicinal reasons it's best to not take it with food. Because when it's taken with food it will bind with other amino acids to make protein. But when it's taken alone your body will apply it medicinally. Here's a quote about this and a link to the article the quote is from.  "Experts believe that lysine is most effective when people take it with water on an empty stomach. Researchers estimate that a 70 kilogram (kg) person needs around 800–3,000 mg of lysine per day." ( i personally wouldn't start at a high dose. I would start with 500 mg once a day and then twice a day and I personally would only go up to 1000 mg a day. For starters anyway. And if that provides improvement,  you won't have take such a high amount.  Also L-lysine I know from reading various books about this that L-lysine supplements can make  skin look course, for some people but this goes away when they eat lots of leafy veggies as part of their regular eating routine and not only rely on the ly-lysine). Link to the Medical News Today article

More information about higher intake L-Lysine in foods rich in lysine:Quote & link

"Higher intakes of lysine, threonine and valine are inversely associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease risk: A community-based case-control study in the Chinese elderly" This study mentions animal products its doesn't mention the plant sources, lysine is also in beans and in some other plants also. link to info about this study in China.

*🥦🥬🥒🫑🥕🌽🍑🍊🍐🫒🍌🍋🥭🥝🍇 Note🥜🧄🥬🥑🍉🍍🍒 Many plant based health care practioners, chefs and nutrturionst encourage people to get their amino acids from whole foods. They believe whole foods are always the best choice. Dr. Colin Campbell says in his research into why children had high rates of liver cancer when he did research in the Philippines, when they added lysine to the food to complete the protein the cancer rates went up. I don't know all the details about his study. But for those interested in this may want to look into it. Also I  don't know what  type of lysine his team added or how much. There's lots of things adults can use that children cannot, babies can't eat honey but adults who are not vegans can eat honey that's just one example of things adults can have that children cannot have there's lots more. 

There is a research study as mentioned above done in China with results pointing to eating foods higher in lysine reduces risk of non fatty liver disease in elderly adults. But again that's not about a supplement it's about getting lysine from foods it naturally occurring in.

Again many plant based doctors and nutritionist prefer folks to get their vitamin by eating foods they naturally occur in. However some of them make exceptions for vitamin B12 and plant milks that are loaded with added supplements. There is one practioner that said they are proudly B12 deficient and they are not going to take b12. So when it comes to supplements you'll have to decide what you feel is best for you.

The China Study

I didn't know there was a documentary about the China Study. Dr. Colin Campbell also wrote a book with the same title. There's a bunch of good informationin this documentary. Link


 Promising Alzheimer’s Marker in Blood Prompts Warning About Brain-Boosting Supplements 

Summary: "Elevated levels of PHGDH in the blood could signal the earliest stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers caution older adults against using “brain-boosting” supplements that contain serine due to its link to PHGDH." So basically taking serine supplements or supplements with it in it their research is showing more is not better and because the body can make it's own serine it's not required that humans have to take it as a supplement. Link

Why Bread Isn't A Health Food (Including Wholemeal)" The conclusion Dr. Greger presents is that bread has to much added sodium and is awful for that reason. The presenter a woman from the UK, she doesn't say her name, but she presents this info from Dr. Greger along with other research that back his conculsions up. Some of the info she shares states is: habitual salt intake can cause malfunction in brain, kidneys, and more.

So when you want bread some times look fir low added salt or no added sodium whole grain breads. Ezekiel bread makes  no and low added sodium options, also Alvarado Street Bakery makes a no added oil or salt option and manna bread has no added sodium. I'm sure there's other companies that do as well.

YouTube link

Is There A Link Between Aluminum And Alzheimer's Disease

There's many articles  saying there's no research linking aluminum to Alzheimer's disease but there are few articles about a recent study that does show a connection. Here's quotes and a link from a 2020 article about research showing a risk of Alzheimer's disease if aluminum is ingested.

said Dr. Exley. "Either way, the new research confirms my resolve that within the normal lifespan of humans, there would not be any AD if there were no aluminum in the brain tissue. No aluminum, no AD."

"A new study published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease (JAD) supports a growing body of research that links human exposure to aluminum with Alzheimer's disease (AD") from Technology Works neuroscience news & research link


December/ 23/2021

Aluminum food packaging 

Many of the products we enjoy regularly are packaged in aluminium. From our plant milks, coffee beans, coffee ground, broths, bouillon cubes, snacks, cookies, candy to some toothpaste. If the research on aluminum is correct when they say "no aluminum no Alzheimer's disease, then these are things to question or possible leave them out when choosing foods and request plant milk manufactures use food grade paper board containers that are not metalized and urge healthy snack food manufacturers  to stop using metalized or aluminum packaging. I say this because of a comment from one of the researchers who said if it's baked on or in aluminum sheets or pans it's not good for brain health. Even if its coated with parchment paper? That's is reason to question the  plastic layer between the food and the aluminum to form a barrier against food touching the aluminum. Is this really safe? It's worth researching. Westsoy give the percentage of aluminum in their plant milk containers: Aseptic cartons are made of 70% paper, 23% polyethylene and 7% aluminum. The aluminum is completely covered by two layers of FDA approved, food-grade polyethylene, so the food and the aluminum never come in contact" Now we can decide if this the type of container we want our food in. I personally prefer metal free including aluminum. The solution might be the "Aluminum-free Aseptic Carton" 

SIG's Aluminum-free Aseptic Carton Pack Receives French Packaging Award

  "SIG has announced that its SIGNATURE PACK which is the first aluminum-free aseptic carton pack that is 100% linked to plant-based renewable materials via a mass balance system, has won the prestigious French packaging award in the ‘environmental’ category. Packaging Innovation for Beverage Industry" link 

In 2022 it would  be great to see, "our new aluminum free container" written on the products we purchase, like all plant milks, soups, broths and the rest of food packaged in aluminum. 


Alzheimer's-like symptoms reversed in mice.

Special diet with compounds contained in green tea and carrots restored working memory.

The compounds are EGCG it's in green tea and FA or ferulic acid it's in carrots. Ferulic acid is also in pineapples,  bananas, sweet potatoes, spinach + more. What's in the photo? Purple sweet potato veggie soup-stew.

Purple Sweet potatoes are good in stews and soups, sweet potato pie, and more, just baked they are kinda dry but are good added to soups or used to make a variety of breads, pancakes, even added to smoothies and dessert dishes. Link to info about this research here


Good Bacteria in the Gut May Help Prevent Alzheimer's link to Now Foods brand, in a powder form. This form will last a long time, this brand has no additional ingredients just the "Fos and Good probiotic bacteria." It grows well in guts that have lots of fiber and organic grains, vegetables and fruits in them. That will help the good bacteria set up shop and flourish. Some of the fillers added to supplements are hard on the body. Some of them have names that don't immediately make you think you're consuming harmful ingredients but some fillers are harmful, which is why I perfer the supplements w/out all that.




Opposing views On Supplements 

I've post some information about supplements and the brain. The reason I've posted opposing sides is so those who do decide to take supplements are not surprised later by friends, family or other folks telling them about news reports about opposing sides, this way you're prepared.

If you're into taking vitamin B supplements, there is some research that shows there's  formation of harmful analogues when CN colbalmin is in  multi-vitamin pills. B12 is beat taken alone it's absorption is interfered with by Vitamin C, B1 & copper. Read about it so you can shop better for the best one for you. Link to study about 'Presence and formation of cobalamin analogues in multivitamin-mineral pills." This is link to organic nutritional yeast that is non fortified with B12, maybe uses this for the B complex vitamins and buying a separate vitamin B12 supplement and taking it at a different time can work. Because this non fortified nutritional yeast  contains the other vitamins. Link

Vitamin B, Bananas And Memory

 "according to the BCC, it can. It's the richness in B vitamins that give bananas the power to support memory function as well as protect the brain. have found that students who eat bananas perform better on exams as well as learn more efficiently. Time to pick up some bananas.


Vitamin B effects on Dementia, B vitamins may slow Cognitive Decline, Medical minute YouTube


2008 written article reports; Vitamin B Does Not Slow Cognitive Decline In Alzheimer's, Study Finds


2010 written article reports:

"Study published in the journal PLoS One has found that taking daily high-dose tablets of certain B vitamins reduced the rate of brain shrinkage in people aged over 70 with mild memory problems.


Dr Greger's opinion on the study about Preventing Brain Loss with B Vitamins?" He says Vitamin B supplements are important in several of his videos about the topic and explains why. YouTube

If you want to try vitamin B complex avoid the synthetic ones. There's some good companies around. Solgar, Nature's life, plus many more. Check your local health food store for non synthetic vitamins. Solgar has a good deal on B Complex link Or buy the one you think is best for you if you already have one you like.

"Do Vitamin B12 Supplements Cause Bone Fractures and Lung Cancer?" YouTube link


Updated Feb/ 2023 🫑🌶🍇🥦🥬🥒🍌🍋🍉🍊🥑🍆🍒 Balancing the tau is important 

Know the difference between the normal tau and the abnormal tau, the abnormal tau isn't toxic.

Help Balancing The Tau

What 2 Servings Of Mushrooms A Week Does To The Brain!" Mushrooms help prevent the bad tau build up and let's your brain have the good tau, mushrooms help balance the tau, they also prevent amyloid plaque build up in the brain and more. YouTube link 

 "A miracle cure? Horizon: Curing Alzheimer's - BBC Two" this YouTube clip is about a study on the protein "tau," and it's effect on the brain  and how increased sleep helps memory.                               

 Knowing what the good tau does and knowing that  the "abnormal tau" is toxic, is important.  More research is needed to better understand this. From the Alzheimer's Association: "Tau  is a protein that helps stabilize the internal skeleton of nerve cells (neurons) in the brain. This internal skeleton has a tube-like shape through which nutrients and other essential substances travel to reach different parts of the neuron. In Alzheimer’s disease, an abnormal form of tau builds up and causes the internal skeleton to fall  apart." Pdf link

Currently it is believed that restful deep sleep helps stop the accumulation of too much abnormal tau.    YouTube

This chart is from the American Heart Association link

Alzheimer's, and dementia can sometimes be connected to high blood pressure


"Normal blood pressure is below 120/80 mm Hg."

Cold Weather Can Raise Blood Pressure

"being exposed to a temperature of  52 degrees Fahrenheit  for only five minutes can cause a significant increase in blood pressure." University Of Florida link

New Blood Pressure Guidelines

Dr. Taylor helped write the new guidelines and says people with blood pressure of 120 and higher need to eat less salt. Link to "Mayo Clinic Minute: Millions of Americans have hypertension under new blood pressure guidelines" link

More On Dementia/Alzheimer's Disease & New Blood Pressure Guidelines

Ikarians are said to be the population with the lowest dementia rates that  could be partly because of their use of herbs, they use many and one of them is rosemary. Rosemary is said to protect the memory, help  brain function and more. Dr. Greger mentions research done on rosemary and the brain, the conclusion was more isn't better less did more, the more taken cognitive decline was experienced but in small culinary amounts greater brain function was experienced in the experiments he read about. However the linked article below mentions tea being made out of rosemary, it would good know what amount they usef for that.

Some of the other herbs they use may have those properties also, milk thistle and dandelion root is also used by them both of those clean the liver and are known for blood cleaning and more. "Wild seasonally harvested herbs such as marjoram, sage, mint, chamomile, rosemary and dandelion are infused into flavorful hot and cold teas." Link to written article about some of their dietary pactices here.

A New Drug That Could Reduce

Brain Plaque and Prevent Alzheimer's If treated in it's early

stages and people who lower their blood pressure to 120 are less likely to develop memory loss, link

A Bladder Full Of Urine Can Cause Blood Pressure To Rise and Heart Problems

Also it's been said by some experts go empty the bladder as soon as you can when you have to go because holding your urine can cause blood pressure to rise.

Childern can get High Blood Pressure it needs to be taken seriously teach the children all about so when they're the right age they can enjoy lowering their sodium and even start checking their blood pressure, until then adults need to help them. link

There are people in many different age groups with dementia.


Inflammation is linked to Alzheimer's and dementia

  Sodium can increase inflammation 

Encouraged and Demand more no salt added products. Demand salt not be replaced with added fats or sugars. It's  good for children and adults to have access to low salt and no salt products.


African Americans at higher risk for Alzheimer's disease link


Playing a musical instrument may prevent dementia link


5  Things to Help Prevent Dementia link


Dementia is Less In Doctors and Teachers link

"eating lots of fatty food increases the risk of damage caused by many forms of dementia," From the article linked above about Doctors and Teachers having less Dementia link


Jennifer Stamps Neuroscientist does peanut butter test also: she says it's a good measure and says sometimes people get false lab test results saying the have Alzheimer's disease when they don't have it, the lab test aren't peanut butter test. Link


More Interesting Links

This a link to a article about extending life to 800 years by tweaking DNA:  link

Scientist can remove a certain hormonal  gland from the octopus and prevent it's built in programming to die after it gives birth, if this gland isn't removed after child birth it will die. Amazing Info.


There are reports of people in ancient times removing different glands for a variety of reasons, it is also important research to find out more what ancient folks did that for. The pineal gland was mentioned and that certain cultures removed it or another gland to enhance & improve their lives, I'm not sure how or the details, one of my friends mentioned that they came across this info in a book.

"The goal was to alter the worms’ genes in such a way that the mutation would increase their lifespan by one to two times. What they ended up with was a batch of worms that, in human years, lived well into their 500s." Link

This is another link about the topic of life extension scientists,  link

The end of death? link

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